Social media policy

Roles and Responsibilities: Sarah Dyer (owner) and Gemma Freeman, (event coordinator) run social media accounts. Sarah Dyer has the ultimate direction in social media posts.

Security protocols: Software is updated when prompted and anti-virus products are in use.

Passwords will be updated regularly.

Computers and iPhone are used re social media and only access to these accounts is via Sarah Dyer and Gemma Freeman. Ultimate ownership is Sarah Dyer and Gemma Freeman relinquishes all rights to the Dynamo Stud – Langford Farm Facebook site, Instagram and My Show Secretary at Sarah Dyer’s wishes.

Plan of action for PR or security crisis management Langford Farm. – Dynamo Stud: Emergency contacts are listed in house and there is a PR and marketing expert in place should an emergency occur.

Guidelines for an emergency are in place to include online trolls, bullying and inappropriate posts. Social media sites (Facebook and Instagram are monitored daily).

Internal communication is set up between Sarah Dyer and Gemma Freeman and an approval process for response is in place.

Law: We will comply with copyright law and only use third party content on written approval.

No private data from our followers will be used on our social media platforms.

Langford Farm – Dynamo Stud maintains confidential in all our organisations internal information.

Guidance for staff personal social media accounts

Personal accounts will remain personal and only share Langford Farm – Dynamo Stud posts were relevant.

Any staff promoting or sharing posts involving the Farm will identify their position within the business.

Staff advocacy guidelines

Anybody posting for Langford farm – Dynamo Stud will advocate the brand and seek permission from owner Sarah Dyer before posting.

Staff can engage with people mentioning the brand on social media, with permission from Sarah Dyer especially if there is a need to deal with negative comments.